When you get a new dog or puppy you likely expect some amount of chewing. But how do you get them to only chew on their own toys? Here, our Ruckersville vets share some of the common reasons behind chewing in dogs and ways that you can get them to stop.

Dog Chewing Problems

When your dog is chewing on everything, it is their way of exploring the world around them. Chewing can also be a way for puppies to relieve teething pain and for adult dogs to keep their jaws strong and teeth clean.

However, while chewing is a natural tendency in dogs, your pet may have developed dog chewing difficulties. The following are some of the most prevalent reasons why dogs chew on items they shouldn't:

Stress or Anxiety

Because dogs are sociable animals, leaving the house will undoubtedly cause them some worry. Chewing may be a way for your dog to relax while you are away.


If your dog spends long amounts of time alone without mental stimulation, he or she may become bored and resort to chewing on any fascinating objects they discover about the house to pass the time.

Puppy Teething

Just like human babies, puppies will go through a period of teething when they are young. Chewing is how your new puppy will relieve any pain that they are experiencing with teething. If you are concerned about this you can always schedule a visit for a dental examination with the vet.


It is normal for dogs on calorie-restricted diets to begin chewing on items in an attempt to find alternative sources of sustenance. If your dog is suffering from this, they will most likely seek out objects that smell like food to chew on.

What to Do if You Discover Your Dog Chewing on Something Off-Limits

When attempting to prevent your dog from destructive chewing, it is critical to first identify the source of the problem and eliminate any of the issues stated above. The second step is to shift your dog's chewing to more appealing stuff, such as chew toys.

Good chew toys for dogs include durable rubber toys like Kongs, nylon bones, and natural chews like bully sticks or antlers. These toys are safe for dogs to chew on and can help clean their teeth and satisfy their natural urge to chew. On the other hand, bad chew toys for dogs include items that can easily break into small pieces and be swallowed, such as rawhide bones or stuffed animals with small parts that can be torn off. It's important to always supervise your dog while they are chewing on a toy to prevent any accidents.

Lots of Exercise

Exercising your puppy frequently is the simplest approach to keep him happy and weary. One of the most effective strategies to prevent destructive chewing is to ensure that your dog gets lots of exercise before you leave the house. Border collies, German shepherds, Brittany and Springer spaniels, and other high-energy breeds require at least two hours of daily exercise, although Pomeranians, pugs, and shih tzus often do well with as little as 40 minutes.


You should provide your dog with some type of amusement when you leave the house to prevent boredom and to ensure that they have fun. When you leave, give your dog a puzzle toy loaded with food, as well as a selection of interesting, special toys that he can only play with while you're gone (to keep the novelty).

Providing your pooch with lots of interesting toys will not only create a positive association with alone time, but it will also serve as a distraction from the objects that you don't want your dog to chew on.

Dogg and Puppy Proofing

The simplest technique to prevent your dog from chewing on things they shouldn't is to place the object out of reach. Place important objects out of reach, put your clothes away or in a closed hamper, and keep books and children's toys out of reach of your dog.

How to Stop a Dog From Chewing

If you find your dog chewing on your household items, tell them no and offer them a chew toy. When your dog nibbles on that, shower him with praise. If none of the above suggestions work to stop your dog's destructive chewing, you could try spraying any objects you don't want him to chew with a dog deterrent spray.

When should I bring my dog to the vet for chewing?

You should bring your dog to the vet if they are causing harm to themselves or your belongings. The vet will be able to assess if there are any underlying medical issues causing this behavior, such as dental problems or anxiety. They may also recommend behavioral training or provide medication to help manage the behavior.

Additionally, the vet may suggest providing your dog with appropriate chew toys and engaging in more physical and mental exercise to help redirect their energy. It's important to address destructive chewing early on to prevent further damage and ensure the well-being of your pet.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is your dogs chewing causing problems with their health or your belongings? Our experienced vets at Ruckersville Animal Hospital can help! Contact our vets right away to book an exam for your dog.